ℯNEWS JUNE 23, 2023
With nine school days left to go, today has truly been an afternoon to remember!
Week in review
Form Six Cricket trip
Last Friday, after a superb sports day, Form Six headed off to Lord’s Cricket for an entertaining evening of T20 Cricket. The entire class, and some parents, had tickets for the Warner Stand where they watched the match between Middlesex and Kent. It was an exciting game with Kent winning by 13 runs and more than four hundred runs being scored in the match. The pupils also got a trip around the famous stadium and, it is hoped they will return many times in the future.
Form Three & Four Football Fixture
Congratulations to our CHS Form Three & Form Four team for an amazing 6 - 4 victory against Hampden Gurney on Wednesday afternoon. They were tenacious in the tackle, powerful in the press, displayed a good range of passing throughout and were extremely clinical in front of goal. Goals were scored by: Charlie (2), Maxi (2), Delia (1), Izzy (1).
Form Five & Six Inter-school Rounders
On Thursday Form Five and Six took place in a dramatic Inter-school Rounders competition. The classes were divided into two teams by a random draw of names. The teams were named Amber and Emerald to represent the CHS colours. Team Amber included Eleanor, Aurelia, Christina, Kola, Riddhi, Hannah and Emma; Team Emerald was Ella, Luca, Olimpia, Estella, Iqbal, Oscar and Meera. The match ended in an enthralling 14 to 13.5 win for Team Emerald, with Iqbal’s superb leadership seeing his team to victory. There was brilliant fielding from Kola, Olimpia and Eleanor. Hopefully this will be an annual competition.
70th Birthday Party, Fundraiser
What a tremendous event this turned out to be, thank you for joining us in celebrating 70 years of Connaught House School! I’m sure that CHS Founder, Mrs Keane would have been very proud and enjoyed this party.
A million thank yous must go out to Mrs Larke and Ms O’Keeffe who were a dynamic duo in organising this fantastic event alongside class reps, Mrs Lundstrom, Mrs Walton, Mrs Fransson-Michaels, Mrs Marcinko, Mrs Yamazaki Mrs Hao, Mrs Thyselius, Mrs Mints, Mrs Hamid as well as Mrs Sofola, Mrs Zelouf and to the additional parents who helped on the day at the stalls and took part in the planning of the day, including baking and selling of numerous cakes (we have really tried to remember everybody in our thanks, please accept our apology if we have missed anyone.)
Our brilliant sponsors included; Unico Gelato, Starbucks, Waitrose, Napier Watt, Moyses Stevens, Chinawhite group, Gauss Classes. As a result of these wonderful sponsors we were able to enjoy a range of treats.
The beautiful bunting was generously donated to the school by Mrs Walton and we are looking forward to using it for many celebrations in years to come.
We are truly grateful to have such a supportive CHS community and having the opportunity of celebrating this birthday together with Mr & Mrs Hampton senior along with a number of CHS alumni and their parents was really very special.
Although final figures are still being counted, we can share that well over £750 was raised on the day through the sale of tombola tickets and the Form Six bake sale continues on the CHS door step as we pen this email. A special call out to Hugo, Olimpia, Riddhi, Delia and Elsa and Ms Niccolini, Mr Nelson and Mrs Nautiyal who are still going strong selling each and every remnants of cake and crumb. Overall final figures raised for UNICEF was £390.
Upcoming week
School Photograph(s) - Tuesday 27 June
Our annual school photographs will be on Tuesday 27 June. The children will be heading back to Connaught Square Gardens for the whole school, class, sibling and individual photos. Summer school uniforms (including boys ties) must be worn. Please make sure that your daughter's hair is neat and tidy for the morning.
Junior One Open Dance - Wednesday 28 June
Please be reminded the Junior One’s will have their Open Dance session in school at 2pm - 2.30pm. Parents can arrive from 1.55pm and it will be held in the school dining hall.
Summer Production - Peter Pan, 2.30pm - 3.30pm - Friday 30 June
The much anticipated production of Peter Pan is finally upon us! On Friday the 30th June our senior children will present their version of the classic JM Barrie story for you to enjoy. Whilst our Junior choir will get their first experience of performing on stage in actual theatre. The children will be released directly after the performance at the theatre. Please do remember that each child, including the Junior Choir, is expected to have a parent in the audience who will collect them after the performance. We will be circulating further information regarding the logistics of the play on Monday.
Special Mentions
Lego Donation
A big thank you to Meera from Form Five for the donation of preloved legos! Our Junior One children have been appreciating this lovely donation of legos.
Important Information
Absence reporting
If for any reason your child is going to be absent from school, please contact Miss Cho in the school office either on the phone: 02072628830 or email: secretary@connaughthouseschool.co.uk. The main reporting mechanism is via Miss Cho in the office.
Junior Choir Performance
A reminder that our Junior Choir consisting of all pupils in Junior One, Form One and Form Two will be singing their pirate songs at the start of our Key Stage Two production of Peter Pan on Friday 30th June at the Marylebone Theatre formerly known as Steiner Hall.
Virtual Coffee Morning, Head of City of London School for Boys - 29th June 2023
We are looking forward to Mr Alan Bird, Head of City of London School for Boys joining us virtually on Thursday 29 June and we urge parents who are considering this school as a suitable route for their boys at 11+ to put this date in their diaries. The link will be circulated to Key stage two parents early next week.
Other Information
Summer Holidays - Occupational Therapy Multi-Sensory Handwriting Group
MyOccupational Therapists works with the school, during the summer they run successful multi sensory handwriting groups regularly to great effect. For more information please email the school.
Artwork of the Week
Veda, Matvey & Anas from Junior One and Mila in Form Two for their fantastic birthday cards in celebration of 70 years of CHS.
Star of the week
Junior One - Talia, for being a good friend
Form One - Ari, for fantastic work in maths
Form Two - Sami, for superb effort this week
Form Three - Harry, for checking over his answers carefully on tests
Form Four - Maia, for excellent work throughout the week
Form Five - Kola, for persevering to write with his left hand when his right hand was injured.
Form Six - Olimpia and Hannah, for achieving 1st and 2nd place in the class’s Countries and Capitals Competition!
Dates for your diary
27 June - School Photograph(s)
28 June - Junior One Open Dance in school 2pm - 2.30pm (Parents to arrive at 1.55pm)
29 June - Virtual Coffee Morning 10am (Head of City of London School for Boys - Alan Bird)
30 June - Summer Production - Peter Pan (J1 - F6 Parents invited, children leave with parents)