ℯNEWS JUNE 16, 2023
What a fabulous day to round off the week with a fantastic Sports Day! A gentle reminder to please ensure children are coming into school with their named water bottles, slathered with sun cream and have their sun hats everyday.
Week in review
Additional Virtual Coffee Morning - Miss Rait-Mcdonald
Mrs Hampton was pleased to welcome guest speaker, Miss Rait-Mcdonald - current Head of Transitions from Queen’s College London, to join our additional Virtual Coffee Morning. An array of useful topics related to transition from Primary school to Senior School were discussed. We look forward to Miss Rait-Mcdonald visiting us at Connaught House School.
Sports Slam Team equipment
Mr Taiwo is delighted to share that, on behalf of the CHS PE department, he has won a recent Sports Slam competition and we look forward to using some fantastic new PE equipment as a result. Well done Mr T!
Sports Day
Wow! What an event! Seriously, we were blown away with how enjoyable the whole experience this morning was. The vibes were high and it was wonderful to see so many people not only being so positive but full of joy and laughter. Thank you for your support, it is noticed and appreciated. Today, you all cheered for the children until you lost your voices and we all (staff and students) are very grateful. We are so proud of everyone’s performance today. They all showcased their skill, strength, talent in the true spirit of sportsmanship. Well done to all our medallists and a special congratulations to our house champions - SUSSEX!
Lastly, none of this could have been possible without all the CHS staff. As we can see from the day’s great success, they put in a great deal of work and helped Mr Taiwo to make sure everything was so carefully planned. We hope everyone will take some wonderful memories from this morning and the CHS team would like to thank you again for coming down and showing your support. Towards the end, a debate of whether or not our parents race should be included in the house scores in future sports days was brought up by Form Five pupils. This is something that we will certainly be discussing with our Pupils Voice.
Upcoming week
CHS 70th Birthday Party
A reminder that next Friday is a once in a generation opportunity to celebrate with CHS, on our 70th anniversary. For any parents that haven’t yet completed the form, letting us know who is coming. Please do so as soon as possible. https://forms.gle/hpWM9CLAHnsTQzEk6
Important Information
Absence reporting
If for any reason your child is going to be absent from school, please contact Miss Cho in the school office either on the phone: 02072628830 or email: secretary@connaughthouseschool.co.uk. The main reporting mechanism is via Miss Cho in the office.
Junior Choir Performance
A reminder that our Junior Choir consisting of all pupils in Junior One, Form One and Form Two will be singing their pirate songs at the start of our Key Stage Two production of Peter Pan on Friday 30th June at the Steiner Hall. Although playing a support role on this occasion, the children will gain the experience of performing together on a full sized stage and of course enjoying the experience of the Play.
Virtual Coffee Morning, Head of City of London School for Boys - 29th June 2023
We are looking forward to Mr Alan Bird, Head of City of London School for Boys joining us virtually and we urge parents who are considering the school for the boys at 11+ to put this date in their diaries.
Artwork of the Week
Mariam in Form Three, for a lovely applique crown. A well thought out design and careful, neat stitching, well done Mariam!
Star of the week
Junior One - Anas, for excellent sharing skills
Form One - Poppy, for good recount and significant improvement in her handwriting
Form Two - Luiza, for coming into school with a fractured ankle and still persevering with her work in class and joining in as much as possible. What a Star!
Form Three - Mariam, for her sensible contributions when discussing how our bodies change as we grow in PSHE
Form Four - Maia, for being a wonderful sport cheering for her house despite not being able to run in the races
Form Five - Jeremy, for making an excellent effort in Comprehension homework
Form Six - Iqbal, for a great effort and participation in learning the dance routine, ahead of the school play
Dates for your diary
23 June - CHS 70th Birthday celebration, afternoon garden party at Connaught Square Gardens 1.30pm - 3.30pm (Parents Invited, children leave with parents)
27 June - School Photograph(s)
28 June - Junior One Open Dance in school 2pm - 2.30pm (Parents to arrive at 1.55pm)
29 June - Virtual Coffee Morning 10am - 11am (Head of City of London School for Boys - Mr Alan Bird)
30 June - Summer Production - Peter Pan 2.30pm - 3.30pm (J1 - F6 Parents invited, children leave with parents)