ℯnews January 27, 2023
We have had a wonderful week full of cultural celebrations from Chinese New Year to Burns Night. The school has been full of music and dance…
National Story Telling Week
Particular thanks to the very many parents who have already visited the classrooms to read to the children in preparation for National Story Telling week. To that end, we are looking forward to the week ahead where Mrs Wells and Mrs Walsh, our Heads of English, have scheduled a truly inspiring five days.
The children must bring their reading books into school every day next week as there will be many impromptu reading sessions across the school.
Author Visit
We are looking forward to welcoming James Sellick, author of There’s a Rang-Tan in My Bedroom and Storm Goliath. Having visited the school in 2021, James was voted 'Most Inspirational Visitor' and we look forward to seeing him again on Wednesday.
Dress Up Day
On Thursday, all the children are invited to arrive dressed as a character from their favourite book, fact or fiction, animate or inanimate, home-made or shop bought - all costumes are encouraged. This will be a day to remember with children travelling though a carousel of literary activities. Please note that the children should bring in their PE kit in a named draw string bag.
Quiz Club 2023
We were very proud of our team who represented the school at the General Knowledge Completion last week. Forty children from various schools took part, including four pupils from CHS, in the opening rounds of the tournament. Despite strong competition our team answered two thirds of the questions correctly. Sadly that was not enough to reach the semi finals. Well done to our pupils who performed admirably under pressure.
Wall Climbing
Congratulations go to Poppy in Form One for reaching the dizzy heights of the top of the climbing wall last Friday. Whilst not usually open to children in Key Stage One, Poppy, who regularly climbs with her father, joined the group and impressed us all.
There are a couple of spaces available in the Wall Climbing Club this term. Please notify the office if you would like to take up a place.
Art Work of the Week
Miss Foster has chosen Mariam in Form Three for a fantastic 5-minute, continuous line drawing of a shell. Brilliant observation and mark making, well done Mariam!
Star of the Week
Junior One - Clara for being a helpful member of the class and a kind friend
Form One - Riley for excellent writing in English using adjectives and adverbs
Form Two - Sofia for her wonderful poetry writing, full of imagination and rhyme
Form Three - Emeer for making so much progress in learning to tell the time
Form Four - Izzy for her positive attitude in maths investigations
Form Five - Jeremy for excellent efforts to improve his handwriting
Form Six - Estella for her brilliant debating skills
Dates for your diary
30 January - National Story Telling week
1 February - Author visit - James Sellick
2 February – Dress up day
7 February - Safer Internet Day
10 February – Carnival - Key Stage Two pupils
13 to 17 February - Half Term