ℯNEWS february 3, 2023
National Storytelling Week
The week began with many parents popping in to read to the classes. Such a treat to have stories from around the world shared amongst our community.
This was followed by two visiting authors, one with particular connections to the school. Our special thanks to Dr Stoppard who spent a very pleasant morning with us on Tuesday, reciting her favourite childhood poems. She was also on hand to share tips and advice for our senior debating team ahead of their inter-school competition. The author and activist, James Sellick, returned to CHS on Wednesday and led the school through various workshops and readings of his latest works, Piku and Goliath. He is such an inspirational young writer who fired the imaginations of our pupils.
Thursday was Dress Up Day and the children looked incredible. Book characters including Matilda and Miss Trunchball, Harry Potter, Tutankhamun, Zog and Bob the Builder were spotted throughout the building! A feast for the eyes. The teachers entered into the spirit of the day too and we enjoyed seeing the Butterfly from the Hungry Caterpillar, a green dinosaur from Harry & His Bucketful of Dinosaurs, Madam Hooch from Harry Potter and Wilbur the Cat from Winnie the Witch to name just a few. Thank you to parents for their support on what was a very special day. Most importantly, our gratitude goes to Mrs Wells and Mrs Walsh, our Heads of English, whose arrangements made it a truly memorable week.
Competition News
Our Debating Team, led by Olimpia and supported by Estella, Riddhi and Hugo, set off with Mr Garvey to Queen’s Gate School where they were up against a number of teams from independent schools around London. They gained valuable experience and will be in action again next month.
Form Five and Six came top of the leader board in the latest Sumdog Maths contest. Featuring schools from Westminster, the puplis answered up to one thousand questions each. After the final points were in, Form Six came in first, just ahead of Form Five. Alexander was the overall winner of the competition too. What a spectacular achievement.
Headmaster Visit
Mr Stephen Mellor, the Head at Kensington Park School, visited the school today. Such a charming man who has recently taken over the role. He spent time with each of the classes, hearing them read and answering their questions about senior school. We look forward to further collaboration with KPS.
Carnival Day - Forms Three to Six
Next Friday (10th February) our Key Stage Two pupils will be celebrating Carnival Day.
This will be a non-uniform day for children from Forms 3-6 who are encouraged to come to school in bright, rainbow colours which can form the basis of their Carnival Costume to be made in school.
We are hoping our pupils' imaginations will fly as they work in small mixed Year Groups on collaborative tasks that include making a carnival float, creating simple costumes for their group and putting together a dance routine with a Samba theme. We are expecting that they will create some weird and wonderful floats - perhaps a newly discovered bird, a dragon or a unicorn.
The day will conclude with a parade in the Park (weather permitting) before we send our children off on half term.
Please note that there will be no Games at Kensington Leisure Centre next Friday but the children should still bring in their PE kits.
We would also appreciate it if we could borrow a few scooters to decorate. We would be using tape and string to affix cardboard structures so they can be returned in one piece (but maybe not until after half term). If anyone has a scooter that we could borrow could you email your class teacher so we can coordinate arrangements.
Art Work of the Week
Miss Foster has chosen Thyra in Junior One for a wonderful ‘dancing’ picture with sliding strip animation, inspired by Piet Mondrian’s Broadway Boogie Woogie. Well done Thyra!
Star of the Week
Junior One - Talia for being a hard worker this week and getting on with each task with a smile on her face
Form One - Sami for increasing his pace and effort to produce super quality writing
Form Two - Mila for reading a lovely story to her class this week and for always being kind during playtime
Form Three - Lara for retelling, so well, the story of how Odin created the world
Form Four - Alma for a well organised timeline of Ancient Egypt
Form Five - Tao for being so creative in her book character costume
Form Six - Alexander for winning the Westminster Sumdog compeition
Dates for your diary
7 February - Safer Internet Day
10 February – Carnival - Key Stage Two pupils
13 to 17 February - Half Term