ℯNEWS September 27, 2024
Mrs Hampton had the pleasure of reconnecting with past pupils during her visit to Francis Holland Regent's Park this morning. The occasion included an informative breakfast meeting with Headteacher Mrs Woodcock and a tour of the school, where she was pleased to see Ella (class of 2024) and other former CHS girls all working well.
Winter Uniform
From Monday 30 September, all children should wear the winter uniform. This includes mid-grey flannel trousers, pinafores from Perry Uniform or an optional pleated grey skirt (for Forms Five & Six only), a white shirt with a school tie or a Peter Pan blouse, the school v-neck pullover with the logo, green tights or knee length socks (for pinafores/skirts), grey socks (for trousers) and their school blazer. Pupils may also wear their blue duffel coat in the cold weather. The gilet can be worn as an extra layer as the weather gets colder, but it should not replace the blazer.
If you are waiting on ordered uniform items from Perry's, please inform the office to avoid your child being reminded to wear the correct uniform in school.
Please make sure all items are labelled with your child’s name including socks and water bottles.
Second-Hand Uniform Sale
Thank you to the Parents Committee for holding the very successful uniform sale this morning.
Ms Pluskowska - Fundraising for GOSH
Ms Pluskowska (J1 Teaching Assistant) has been a Weekend Club volunteer at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) for 10 years, supporting patients and their families. She will be taking part in a 5k race on the 12th October to raise money for the hospital.
If you would like to find out more about why she has chosen to support GOSH and to kindly add to the final total, you can view her fundraising page following this link: https://fundraise.gosh.org/fundraisers/klarapluskowska?j=6043176&sfmc_sub=146176050&l=52_HTML&u=113335920&mid=7290764&jb=10&utm_source=goshcc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Race24_Email+5_Recruitment+Push&utm_content=Share+my+page+button&utm_term=6043176
Doodle Learning
Many of you will be aware that children can log in at home to their doodle learning account which allows them to practise Maths and English skills and spelling and their timetables. If your child is accessing this on a tablet, please make sure you have the latest version of the app alternatively it can be accessed via the website. Many of the children are given this as homework and we recommend your child access this at least three times a week. Your child should have their log in details if they do not, please send a note to the class teacher who will be happy to remind them.
We would like to congratulate Poppy in Form Three and Eitan in Form One for completing the Doodlemaths summer challenge.
House Points
Week beginning 23rd September
Sussex: 230
Clifton: 185
Artwork of the Week
Leo in Form Three, for a brilliant effort with his seasonal card design. It may seem very early, but we have to get them sent off soon! Well done for this fantastic penguin Leo!
Further details on how to purchase items with your child’s seasonal design will follow.
Dates for your diary
21st - Parent Meetings
22nd - Parent Meetings
25th - 1st Nov - Half Term