ℯNEWS MAY 24, 2024
What a whirlwind the first half of the summer term has been! This term always flies by, and it seems like there's no slowing down. With INCAS assessments taking place for Forms Two - Six, the children had a busy week and are now fully ready for a well deserved break for half term.
Junior 1, F1 and F2 Costume Day in keeping with their topic
On Tuesday there were a number of minibeasts, royals and flowers that joined us at school! Junior One, Form One and Form Two all had a blast consolidating the terms learning by having an immersive day! There was a minibeast hunt, a flower trail and a Tudor banquet. Thank you to all the parents for all the wonderful costumes.
Form Three trip around Tyburnia
This week Form Three had a walking tour of Tyburnia as part of their Local Area Study. All the children enjoyed learning about the history of this area as well as identifying the different geographic features. They learned about the birthplace of Edgware Road, where the Marble Arch was originally located and that the name 'Tyburnia' stemmed from the infamous Tyburn Tree.
New Children’s Teddy Bear’s picnic in Hyde Park
On Friday, we welcomed the newest members to our CHS family at a Teddy Bear’s picnic in Hyde Park. Mrs Wells spent time singing nursery rhymes and reading stories with the September 2024 Junior One class. After much enjoyment, the children were ready to tuck into their delicious lunch box lovingly prepared by our Kitchen Team. We look forward to welcoming them in September!
Mrs Hampton’s visit to Godolphin & Latymer
Mrs Hampton made her way over to Godolphin and Latymer this week to join the Head, Dr Frances Ramsey, alongside a number of local prep school heads. She was delighted to hear about the continued success from former CHS pupils.
Grandmaster Ms Jackson’s Recent Chess Success
At the beginning of May, Ms Jackson joined the England Women’s 50+ chess team to successfully defend their 2023 title; bringing home Gold medals again. What a fantastic achievement!
Please help us by completing the linked Road Safety Petition
Thank you to those who have already completed this form. We would appreciate it if you have yet to do so to take a few moments to complete this questionnaire before we submit it in July alongside Sylvia Young Theatre School. It is important to indicate where you have the most concerns about crossing the roads around the school. If there are any other concerns regarding pedestrian crossings, please let us know in the questionnaire here: https://forms.gle/VGEBgmnFM1Zh3L6J9.
CHS Big Read event in Hyde Park
On Friday 7th June, CHS will be hosting a Big Read event in Hyde Park as a finale to the Readathon. The last event was a huge success raising over £2000 for our chosen charity. This year, we will be fundraising for the Children's Book Project. The project prioritises stopping book waste and ensuring that every child has the opportunity to enjoy books and stories with their families.
This is a cashless charity event. Please donate at:
School Trips
Bocketts Farm Trip - Friday 14th June
On Friday 14th June, Junior One, Form One and Form Two will be taking a very exciting trip to Bocketts Farm in Surrey. The children will have an opportunity to handle and feed animals including rabbits and lambs, watch a pig race and take part in a tractor ride.
Tour of London Trip - Friday 7th June
On Friday 7th June Form Three children will be going on a tour of London as part of their geography studies. They will need a packed lunch.
London Zoo Trip - Friday 14th June
On Friday 14th June, Form Four will be visiting London Zoo as part of their studies in science and geography. More information will be sent after half term.
Hever Castle Trip - Friday 14th June
On Friday 14th June Forms Five and Six will be visiting Hever Castle as part of their current and upcoming work in history. More information will be sent after half term.
Emails to School
I would like to remind parents if for any reason your child is going to be absent from school if you are running late to collect your child or for anything else please contact Miss Cho in the school office either on the phone: 02072628830 or by email: secretary@connaughthouseschool.co.uk. The main reporting mechanism is via Miss Cho in the office who works full time.
For Admissions enquiries please contact Ms White at admissions@connaughthouseschool.co.uk.
Artwork of the Week
Emeer in Form Four, for some innovative printmaking. A fantastic relief-print butterfly on an expressive oil pastel background. Well done Emeer!
Dates for the diary:
6th - Virtual Coffee Morning with Mrs Hampton and guest Mrs Katharine Woodcock, Headteacher of Frances Holland Girls School.
7th - Readathon in the park
7th - F3 Trip
13th - Virtual Coffee Morning with Mrs Hampton and Dr Ali from Twoth
14th - J1 - F2 Bocketts Farm Trip , F4 trip London Zoo, F5 & 6 trip Hever Castle
20th - Virtual Coffee Morning with Mrs Hampton and Guest
21st - Sports Day
25th - School Photograph
26th - J1 Open Dance (TBC)
28th - 2nd hand uniform sale
3rd - School Play
4th - CHS Olympic Day
5th - School Fete at the Carisbrooke Hall
8th - J1 - F2 Look out Centre Trip
10th - Prize giving & early finish for children