ℯNEWS JUNE 14, 2024
The sun is shining brightly this afternoon as we welcome back most of our classes following their exciting school trips. Forms Five and Six were the first out the door, punctually heading towards Marble Arch tube station. After taking two underground trains and one overground train to the Kent Countryside, followed by a one-mile country walk, they arrived at Hever Castle, the childhood home of Anne Boleyn. With tubes and trains running on schedule, the children gained valuable experience in navigating public transport.
Shortly after 8:30 am, Junior One, Form One, and Form Two departed on a coach bound for Bocketts Farm in Surrey and despite a brief downpour, their day at the farm remained undisturbed. The children enjoyed handling small animals, deepening their understanding of the life cycle of ducks, chicks, and lambs and enthusiastically cheered on their pigs in the pig race.
Form Four enjoyed a more relaxed start before heading to London Zoo to expand their knowledge of rainforests. Meanwhile, our fantastic Form Threes had the school to themselves and made the most of it with a picnic lunch and an afternoon filled with coding, where they created highly imaginative sprites for their games.
Virtual Coffee Morning - Guest Dr Ali from Twoth
Earlier in the week, Mrs Hampton welcomed Dr Ali from Twoth Dental to join our parents for a highly informative virtual talk on all aspects of dental care. Dr Ali provided valuable advice on the advantages and disadvantages of mouthwash, dental tape, and dispelled myths surrounding fluoride concerns. Overall, it was a wealth of knowledge shared.
We would also like to express our gratitude to Twoth Dental for visiting the children on Monday morning here at CHS for our assembly celebrating National Smile Month
School Play
Pupils in Forms Three to Six received their revised copies of the school play this afternoon, which include personalised lyrics to some well-known songs. Please encourage your children to learn their lines over the weekend as we aim to practise without scripts by next week. Parents should also have received their costume lists, most of which include links to helpful costume websites.
We extend our particular thanks to Mr Butcher and Mrs Deshayes who have undertaken the Herculean task of creating several school props, ears, and noses for this year's play.
Parents meetings
A reminder that we are hosting our parents' meetings in school next Tuesday and Thursday, so there will be no after-school clubs on those days. Please arrange to collect your children from school at their usual times.
For parents who have secured the earliest meetings in the afternoon, you may leave your child in the dining room with Ms Arthur, who will supervise them while they complete their homework. For later meetings, children should be collected at the usual time and may return to school with their parents at the appointed time. Ms Arthur will be available to supervise children during meetings until 6pm.
OT & SALT reviews
SALT (Speech and Language Therapy) and OT (Occupational Therapy) reviews are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday next week
Sports Day
Our new-format Sports Day next Friday promises to challenge both pupils and staff athletically. Please remember that children should be taken directly to Paddington Recreation Ground by 9.15 am for a prompt start at 9:30 am. We hope this new format will be well received. The short 15-minute gap between drop-off directly to the recreation ground and start time will allow our pupils to settle into their teams, while parents can take the opportunity to grab a cup of coffee from the local cafe.
We certainly hope that all our CHS parents will be ready to cheer their children on and participate in the parents' race.
School Photograph
Our annual school photograph is scheduled for Tuesday 25th June. Please ensure that your children are dressed smartly in their summer uniform and have tidy hair on the day.
Form Six’ Secret Trip
Please rest assured that we cherish our traditions here at CHS, particularly our custom of taking our Form Six pupils on a secret trip in the final weeks. Mr Garvey and Mrs Hampton will reveal all to the children only when we depart on Monday, 8th July.
Summer Handwriting Course
My OT Kensington is offering a three-day Multi-sensory Handwriting Course at their centre in Kensington on 10-12 July and 28-30 August 2024. Please see the attached flyer and booking form. Many CHS pupils are already familiar with Lauren Besser and her team, who provide Occupational Therapy at CHS.
Emails to School
I would like to remind parents if for any reason your child is going to be absent from school if you are running late to collect your child or for anything else please contact Miss Cho in the school office either on the phone: 02072628830 or by email: secretary@connaughthouseschool.co.uk. The main reporting mechanism is via Miss Cho in the office, who works full time.
For Admissions enquiries please contact Ms White at admissions@connaughthouseschool.co.uk.
Artwork of the Week
Lili in Form Five, for creating some fantastic ‘Op Art’ in art club! Brilliant use of shadows and highlights to produce the 3D effect, well done Lili!
Dates for the diary:
20th - Virtual Coffee Morning with Mrs Hampton and Guest
21st - Sports Day
25th - School Photograph
28th - 2nd hand uniform sale (CANCELLED)
3rd - School Play
4th - CHS Olympic Day (pupil only)
5th - School Fete at the Carisbrooke Hall
8th - J1 - F2 Look out Centre Trip & F6 on their Secret Trip
10th - Prize giving & early finish for children