ℯNews Septmeber 8, 2023
Welcome back to the Autumn term! By now everyone will have received their start of term letters from their Form teachers and all of our children have settled into their new forms/ school. Fantastic to see so many healthy happy smiling faces on arrival, and phenomenal holiday projects have been shared amongst children in Forms Two and Three.
The term kicked off with a senior assembly on Thursday morning, a golden opportunity for Mrs Hampton to remind the children of our CHS ethos. That emphasises the importance of developing considerable awareness of our peers and our community. Mrs Hampton was impressed with the suggestions offered by the children that stemmed from the importance of teamwork and kindness, two qualities that we always look for at CHS.
The wellbeing and safety of our children is of paramount importance to us. We are governed by a statutory document titled “Keeping Children Safe in Education”. This was updated during the summer and came into effect on 1 September 2023. A greater emphasis has been placed on keeping our children safe whilst online and whilst we have stringent measures in place to protect your children while they are in school, we urge you to monitor their use of technology and their online behaviours whilst at home and encourage you to communicate any concerns you may have with the school.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead teacher is Ms Burke (DSL) and the deputies are Ms Galligan and Mrs Larke (DDSL).
During the coming week, the children will be looking at their ‘Acceptable Use Policy’ which is a code of behaviour designed to keep them safe when using technology and online services. Each child will be issued a copy that will go home with them next week and we would appreciate it if you could read through it with them and perhaps keep it somewhere so that you can refer to it when discussing your child’s use of technology. A copy of the code is displayed in the class and staff regularly refer to it when children use technology and work online.
Meet the Teachers - Forms One to Six
Times and dates for your virtual Meet the Teachers sessions will be circulated early next week for the end of the week.
A reminder to all parents, that appropriate uniform is needed in school, at the moment with the weather being as warm as it is children are not required to wear their blazers or jumpers. However they definitely need to bring in their sunhats, named water bottles, art aprons and footwear for games.
Second Hand Sale
A tremendous £399 was raised this afternoon for our chosen charity UNICEF, and £50 for the Bursary fund. Not a bad feat for the second day back to school!
First Games
The children in Forms Two - Six went to Kensington Leisure Centre today with Form Four, Five and Six enjoying their first swimming lessons of the term while Forms Two and Three took part in badminton with Mr Taiwo in the gym. Having the correct indoor sports shoes is imperative and children who do not have the correct footwear will not be able to join in the physical part of the lesson and instead have to sit on the side and listen and watch. We hope that everyone will be able to take a full and active part next week.
Special Mentions
Well done to all our new pupils who have started their CHS journey this week, whether starting in Junior One or further up the school. We certainly do not underestimate how daunting starting a new school is. However the school has been filled with positive smiley, faces.
A smashing job from Meera in Form Six who took part in the Marylebone Summer Festival Colouring Competition recently. Congratulations for winning the competition! Ms Foster was incredibly pleased with her budding artist.
Next week Junior One’s collection times are as follows:
Week Two: 1pm (Week commencing 11 September)
Week Three: 2.30pm (Week commencing 18 September)
Week Four: Full time (Week commencing 25 September)
With a busy term ahead dates for the diary are as follows;
11 September - All clubs begin this week
13 September - First Dance/Yoga
15 September - Counselling Sessions Begin
25 September - First OT/SALT sessions
28 September - Virtual Coffee Morning With Mr Beard at UCS
29 September - Virtual Coffee Morning with Mr McManus; 11+ Stressors
5 October - The Tempest Form Three to Six