ℯnews January 13, 2023
The second week of the Spring term has been super productive and very happy. The children have settled back into school life well and are learning keenly.
Jessica Cunliffe
Jessica is the Community Programme Manager at the Marble Arch Partnership and she visited our School Council this afternoon. She has supported CHS in working with the local community in tackling important issues such as social isolation and fund raising for charities. The Council had the opportunity to ask her questions about her work as well as suggesting ideas of how we could support the community further.
Term Dates 2023/24
Please click here for next year’s term dates 2023/24.
Uniform & PE Bag
The children really do need to bring in their drawstring PE bag with their plimsolls for games on Fridays. Lately some children have been arriving with a variety of shopping bags, gift bags, etc, These do not sit on their coat hooks safely and cause an obstruction in the cloakroom. Any child without the correct school PE bag by half term will be issued with one through school and parents will be invoiced accordingly.
Quiz Club Championships
Our General Knowledge team will be heading over to The Hall School in Hampstead next week to take part in the first round of the National Quiz Club Championships. Congratulations to the following children, from Forms 3 to Form 6, who have been selected for their general knowledge prowess within their age group and we wish them the very best of luck:
Art Work of the Week
Oscar in Form Five, for a brilliant 2 colour, relief print, with a fantastic textured background, well done Oscar!
Huge congratulations go to Aurelia who passed her ABRSM violin grade 6 exam with distinction in December. She is delighted with the result and is looking forward to participating in forthcoming CHS music activities.
Star of the Week
Junior One - Thyra for amazing sentence writing
Form One - Mehdi for super general knowledge and understanding, with confidence, when discussing topics in class
Form Two - Ariella for confidently settling into Form Two and putting in super effort in all her lessons.
Form Three - Harry for learning all the times tables so well
Form Four - Kira for brilliant effort in Maths
Form Five - Luca for independently making sure he has understood all topics in Maths this week
Form Six - Hannah Moar for her tireless enthusiasm and her positivity in all she does
Marble Arch Loyalty Scheme
For local shoppers:
Dates for your diary
20 January - Quiz club and first wall climbing club
24 January - Headmaster, Stephen Mellor, Kensington Park School visit
30 January - National Story Telling week
1 February - Author visit - James Sellick
10 February - Carnival