As we round off the first half of the Spring term with a celebration of the natural world for our very own CHS carnival, we can reflect on the tremendous success that 2024 has already brought. Congratulations to all our pupils who have competed in tournaments including debating, General Knowledge and music so far this term.
We hope that the parent meetings at the beginning of the week were informative and insightful and we would like to thank the amazing CHS assistants for keeping us, largely, on time for both evenings.
Lunar New Year
We kicked off the week with an assembly learning all about the Lunar New Year, the traditions that are observed and the Chinese New Year Story. Wishing all our families celebrating the Lunar New Year 新年快樂 "Xīnnián kuàilè", Happy New Year.
Junior One Parent Talks
This week, Junior One pupils welcomed another parent into their class to share insights into various occupations. The children have been learning all about different occupations and particularly enjoyed engaging in role-play activities where they stepped into the shoes of their parents. This not only broadened the children’s understanding of diverse careers but also strengthened the bond between the school and their families, creating a supportive educational environment that values active parental involvement in their children's learning journey.
The Queen’s Gate Debating Competition
Seven pupils from Form Six ventured to the other side of Hyde Park to participate in the Queen’s Gate Debating Competition. As defending champions the pupils worked very hard to defend their title. The topics under the microscope included whether 'coding' should be compulsory in all schools and whether homework needed to be scrapped to preserve pupils' mental health. Out of 22 competing teams, CHS teams A & B did a tremendous job with Team A coming in second! Well done to Ella, Eleanor and Aurelia for a podium finish and to Kola, Oscar, Amy and Meera, for participating with gusto and working well as a team.
What a pleasant day of enjoyment the children had on Friday! The teachers organised a variety of engaging activities, from making chromatography butterflies and legume art to creating DIY bird feeders. The excitement continued with team-building activities including a parachute drop challenge and making a bridge out of paper.
Seeing children in mixed-age groups working and interacting collaboratively throughout the day has been heartwarming. Their costumes were impressive, transforming them into different bodies of water, showcasing everything from tsunamis, to volcanoes and displaying many vibrant flowers.
What a great way to end the first half of the Spring term! The joy and energy from the children added a touch of excitement, making it a memorable day for everyone involved.
11+ Exam Results
While the children have been busily occupied at school today, results of the recent 11+ assessments have been coming in. We are delighted to share that, once again, our pupils in Form Six have received offers from a range of excellent schools. Congratulations, Form Six; we are all extremely proud of you. You all definitely deserve a very well-earned half-term break with no need to think about the 11+. In due course, we will circulate school offers; however, we hope that the CHS community will allow the children the time to discuss their choices with their families before any inquiries or announcements are made.
Sight and Hearing Screening
Please be reminded that the Specialist Independent Educational Consultants are offering their annual Sight and Hearing screening on Tuesday, 20 February 2024 during school hours.
Poetry Competition
As we approach half term, we would like to remind you of the Poetry Competition taking place on Wednesday, 21 February with guest judge Mr Magnus Basharaat, Headteacher of Maida Vale School. All our pupils have been diligently working on their poems, and we kindly encourage you to continue supporting them in preparing for the competition by practising reciting them over the holiday. Your involvement fosters a positive and encouraging atmosphere for our young poets.
Kensington Leisure Centre
When we return from half term, Forms Two & Three will take to the water and have their turn at swimming. There is still some time for you to ensure your child is well equipped with all the gear they need, but just as a reminder please see the list here; a bottle green swimming costume or trunks, a bottle green swimming cap, a towel, and goggles.
Artwork of the week
Kola in Form Six, for a fantastic pencil sketch of an eye, excellent use of tone to create form and texture. Well done Kola!
Dates for the diary:
12 - 16 Feb - Half Term
20 Feb - Sight & Hearing screening (in school)
21Feb - Poetry Competition - Guest judge Mr Magnus Bashaarat, Headteacher of Maida Vale School
23 Feb - KLC F2 & 3 First Swimming lesson
29 Feb - Virtual Coffee Morning - Online Safety
4 - 8 March - Book Week
5 March - Zohra Nabi Author visit
7 March - James Allen Author Visit
8 March - Poetry Recital, 2.30 pm at The Carisbrooke Hall all parents invited
22 March - Open Day, parents must remain with their children for the morning. There is no school in the afternoon.
25 March - Whole school Science Trip
27 March - End of term (Midday Collection)